Tag Archives: The Bard’s Choice

Mash Up – Teera + Onrey + Whittling


This post features the following characters from my books:
Teera from Sisters, a Sorceress, Curses, and Songs
Onrey from The Bard’s Choice
Scenelette Type: Crossover (Click Here if confused)

Greetings, friends! Here is another of my Two Character Mash Ups (two characters and a random word from the dictionary.) This one features:
Teera x Onrey x “Whittle”

Overnight trips were always exciting for Teera. If the job was far enough away that they had to get lodgings for the night, that meant once they were done performing, she had a few hours to wander the streets of a new city.

It was a hobby she indulged in alone. Emilin liked cities because that was where the wealthier clients lived, but the subtle differences in culture, wares, architecture, or clothing held no fascination for her. For Teera, this was the best part of traveling.

She found her way to the market street, browsing tents and booths, sampling foods, running her fingers over fabrics – until she heard the scream. Or, maybe ‘scream’ was a poor way of describing it. It was more of a yelp, a muffled grunt, but whatever you wanted to call it, it sounded like someone nearby was in pain, and Teera went looking for them.

She searched a couple of shaded side street before she saw the boy crouched against a wall. He was curled up tightly, shoulders heaving with strained breaths. “Excuse me?” Teera called to him. “Is everything okay?”

He whipped around to look at her. She guessed from his tattered clothes that he was probably homeless. And right now, those clothes had blood on them. At first, she thought it was a stomach wound, but then she saw that he was just using that area of the shirt to staunch the bleeding from his hand.

She took a step forward, and he instinctively flinched back. “Stay away,” he warned, fumbling for a small knife and pointing it at her.

The boy was maybe ten, but Teera didn’t doubt that he would win against her in physical combat. Fortunately, that wasn’t what she was here for. “It’s okay,” she said. “I just want to help. I can take you to a doctor—”

He shook his head. “No doctors.”

“They’re nice people,” Teera said.

“They’re expensive people,” he countered, and Teera couldn’t really argue with that.

“Maybe I can help you, then,” she offered. “My name’s Teera of Stormsdale. Who are you?”

“Onrey,” he replied, glaring at her. “Of ‘this alley.’ And I have it under control.” But even as he said it, he winced with pain and pressed the hand back against his shirt.

“Look, just stay here, okay? Just for a minute? I’ll be right back.” She ran back to the market and picked up some cloth remnants, a jar of water, and a small bit of alcohol. She also bought a couple of vegetable pasties, because the kid looked hungry.

She got back to the alley and at first thought Onrey had run away, but he was just hiding around the corner to make sure that she came back alone. She sat down, holding the supplies on her lap, and waited for him to come over. He ate the pasties with his free hand while she worked on the injured one.

“So, are you training to be a doctor or something?” Onrey guessed, wincing as she blotted the cut with alcohol so it wouldn’t get infected.

“Actually, I’m a musician,” she said. “But my mother taught me some basic stuff. I still think you ought to get this looked at by a real doctor.”

Onrey shook his head, mouth full. “It’s not that bad.”

And it actually wasn’t. It had looked much worse because of the blood. “How did it happen?” Teera asked, carefully winding the cloth bandage around his hand.

“Accident,” Onrey mumbled, sounding embarrassed. He held up the small knife he’d threatened her with earlier, along with small piece of wood. “I’m teaching myself how to whittle, and the knife slipped.”

“Sounds like a dangerous hobby,” Teera said.

Onrey shrugged off the warning. “I just thought maybe if I had a skill or something…” He didn’t finish the thought. He just put the knife and wood back in his pocket and started fishing for something else. “Thanks for wrapping the hand,” he said. “And the food. I don’t really have money, but—”

“Oh, you don’t have to give my anything,” Teera said quickly.

Undeterred, Onrey pulled out another piece of wood, though this one he’d obviously worked on for longer. He held it out to her on an open palm. “It was supposed to be a horse,” he explained. “See, that’s the head, and those are the legs?”

“Yes! It’s beautiful,” Teera said. It was rough, but she probably could have guessed what it was without him telling her. When he continued holding it insistently out to her, Teera took it, folding it carefully in her fingers. “Thank you, Onrey. I love it.”

“So, we’re even, right?” he said.

“Yes, totally even,” she agreed, and stood up. “I should be going. Here, take the rest of the fabric. You should change those bandages any time they get dirty, okay? And if it starts feeling hot or looking slimy, please go to a real doctor.” As she folded up the cloth scraps, she sneakily palmed a few extra coins into them. Onrey wouldn’t discover them until later, and thus wouldn’t be able to return them to her.

“Thanks,” he said again, putting the bandages in his pocket. He looked up at her like he felt like he ought to say more, but couldn’t think of the right words, so instead he just took off at a sprint. He darted around the corner and out of sight, and Teera went back to the market, keeping a tight hold on the toy horse as she walked.

If you’re curious about
Teera’s original story,
you can find it here.
And here is Onrey’s.

My Characters in Quarantine


Greeting, friends!

I know most of us are practicing social distancing right now, or are in full-blown quarantine. (And I applaud you! Props for flattening the curve, and all that.) So I thought it would be fun to ask my characters what they would be doing if they were stuck in quarantine.

Willow, from A Book Without Dragons
“Getting caught up on reading! Reading some new books if I could get them, but if not then rereading the old ones is great, too.”

Ellsie from The World That Forgot How to Dance
“There’s actually a lot of exercises you can do from a small space that’ll make you a better dancer. Having a huge stage is fun, but spending some time really focusing on the basics never hurts.”

Snowiks from A Book Without Dragons
“I wouldn’t be at home. I’m an essential employee.”
[Hannah] – “Yeah, I know, but that’s not the point of the blog post. If you weren’t an essential employee—”
“But I am.”
[Hannah] *getting annoyed* “Riiiight, but if you had to be in quarantine…”
[Hannah] – …
“Essential employees don’t have to stay at home.”
[Hannah] – *sighs* “Never mind.”

Kaeya from The Bard’s Choice
“I’m sure I’d still have customers even if we were in quarantine. I deal mostly in stolen items, so my clientele isn’t overly concerned with breaking rules. I might have to meet with them outside of my normal shop. And I’d tell them to keep six feel away, of course.”

Denise from The World That Forgot How to Dance
“Well, classes are all online, right? So I’d just keep going to school. I’d miss having the library, but for the most part things would be okay.”

Teera from Sisters, a Sorceress, Curses, and Songs
“I’ve always wanted to give gardening a try. And if the quarantine goes longer than expected, we’d have a lot of vegetables.”

Emilin from Sisters, a Sorceress, Curses, and Songs
“Pft. Practicing, obviously. We could get a lot of new songs written.” *pause* “What do you mean Teera said gardening?”


I hope you are all staying safe and finding ways to keep yourselves entertained and in high spirits! (Also – I don’t condone Kaeya’s response. She’s a bit of a workaholic. Juuuuust take a break.)

The Bard’s Choice: 8 Random Facts


Hello, friends! I hope everyone’s week is going well. Here are eight random bits of trivia about my fantasy novelette, The Bard’s Choice.

BC Cover

  1. In the first draft, Onrey’s name was actually Jannir. I came up with the name Onrey for the messenger boy in Chapter 3, and decided immediately that I liked that name way too much to use on a character with only a couple scenes, so I flipped the names.
  2. When I first mentioned the title to my writers group, they were expecting a bodice-ripping romance about Shakespeare.
  3. ‘The Digger’ – mentioned fleetingly by Kaeya – is actually a semi-important character in my new book, Sisters, a Sorceress, Curses, and Songs. The books take place in the same world, several decades apart.
  4. The stone’s color (green) was chosen mostly because it is Hollins University’s main color, which is where I thought of the idea.
  5. Five years past between when I first thought of the idea to when I started writing it.
  6. Authors aren’t supposed to show favoritism, but ‘Andros the Gilder’ is one of my favorite names out of all my characters. (Don’t tell him, though. He’s enough of a narcissist as it is.)
  7. One of my arc readers elected to be credited in the acknowledgements as one of their own original characters: Lilith P. Duke, Pharmacist of Journalism.
  8. Kett did not get his job back at the rock quarry. He eventually found work with a blacksmith, and enjoyed it very much despite never advancing beyond the rank of apprentice.

If you want to know
more about this book,
you can find it here
Also on Audiobook!


Weekend Coffee Share – A quiet little reunion



If we were having coffee this weekend, you’d probably be really surprised to see me. I would grin sheepishly over my tea mug and admit that, yes, it’s certainly been a while. I would apologize for all of the coffee dates I’d canceled, always saying that I was busy.

Although, I really have been busy, I would tell you, growing so excited I’d have to put my tea down so I wouldn’t spill it. So busy! Busy doing exciting things that I can’t wait to share with you. Read the rest of this entry